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Directorate of Training Fort Gordon, GA

2010-2014: Rapier Solutions was awarded a contract to provide logistics management services and support within the Directorate of Training (DOT) at the Signal Center (SIGCoE). These services requires contractors to assist with coordination within the Directorates of Public Works (DPW) on facilities engineering work requests, Directorate of Materiel (DOM) on maintenance request and shortcomings, Directorate of Support Services (DOSS) on class II, IV, VII, IX and equipment requisition and issues, Network Enterprise Center (NEC) on data drops to include SIPR connections and project point of contact on site preparation for Relocatable Buildings/Classrooms and MCA construction. The Resident Training Management Branch (RTMB) will require an update/briefing or progress report on all phases of the construction, equipment requisitions and newly assigned equipment that is annotated in Property Book Unit Supply Enhanced (PBUSE). Coordinate with the Installation Property Book Officer (IPBO) and the training departments for inventory and ensure issued equipment shipped to the school house is accounted for correctly. Monitor all Class VII equipment, Commercial Off-The Shelf (COTS) items, and all other acquired equipment (non-Class VII) for the SigCoE. These services shall include “front-end” (preparation time) and “back-end” (closeout time) duties

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